Pictured from space, a thin layer of vapor is all that separates Earth from the cold universe beyond, the fragile thread upon which all life depends. Our whole globe, teaming with flora and fauna in a thousand geological worlds, is dependent on the ethereal curtain above us. Could it really be that mere chance is the only thing keeping us all alive in such a delicate balance?
Through years of examining the evidence, I’ve become certain there’s no need to question that life on Earth is hanging on by more than a fragile thread of happenstance. There is solid evidence that we are here by more than a trick of fate or turn of the dice.
The fact that for evolution to have brought into existence a single cell is mathematically impossible is an insurmountable barrier to its feasibility. It’s especially problematic when you consider that even the simplest cell is a complex structure of highly organized instruments functioning at a level of efficiency untouched by anything mankind has been able to manufacture.
It can hardly be said there is such a thing as a simple cell. If size is a reflection of advancement in technology and design, the cell wins hands down. With each one being a complex system with enough functional departments to rival any production factory, 10,000 of them can fit on the head of a pin. Yet each of these tiny units of life contains trillions of bits of perfectly organized information in its twisted DNA.
The laws of physics governing our present universe further complicate the idea of any organism spontaneously developing into a more highly complex organism through chance mutations. Entropy, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, ensures that all things degrade and decay over time rather than evolving into a higher order.
Three elements of nature especially show evidence for a young earth: waterfalls, stratified rock, and ocean sediments. In looking at the world’s major waterfalls, we can look at the path they have carved away from where they started to where they are now to see how long they have been in place. According to their current rate of erosion, they virtually all date back only a few thousand years.
Stratified rocks reveal a strange absence of topsoil between the geological layers. And the layers are mostly flat, showing none of the typical soil erosion that would be present if each layer had been exposed to the elements for long periods of time. It’s obvious to conclude they formed rapidly through catastrophic events, such as a combination of volcanic activity and swirling waters that occurred during the world-wide Flood. With the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in the US, we were given a first-hand glimpse of this process, which resulted in the rapid formation of sedimentary layers similar to those in the Grand Canyon and all over the earth.
The depth of ocean sediments indicates that we live on a young Earth as well. If life on Earth has existed for millions of years, the ocean sediments should be much deeper than they currently are. The oceans should be choking full of mud and sludge by now. Plate tectonics do not occur fast enough to bury the billions of tons of rock and dirt that enter the ocean every year through wind and water erosion off of the continents.
And if living creatures came into being through a continual process of transformation from one species to the next, why do we see such definite lines between the species? Instead of a near total absence of valid transitional species, if evolution were true, it should be a common, daily experience to see transitional animals everywhere on Earth, between every class of animals.
If species transitioned from one type of animal to another throughout history, we shouldn’t be able to classify them into such distinctly different categories that don’t cross over. Why do we still have the original forms alive with us today (such as reptiles, which supposedly evolved into birds, and monkeys, which supposedly evolved into man), but the transitional stages of these animals all mysteriously disappeared?
A lot of this goes back to common sense. The Creator of our world seems to have arranged things so that most anyone who will think and reason for themselves, instead of trusting their destiny to “the experts,” may draw the conclusion of his existence from nature.
Darwin himself admitted the potential impossibility of his theory when he said:
“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
In other words, if it could be demonstrated that life forms are irreducibly complex, the theory of evolution would not stand. Thus, by Darwin’s own definition, evolution is no longer a valid theory because many forms and systems of life are irreducibly complex. But perhaps none so basic to all life as ATP itself...
One of the most basic elements essential to life, ATP is irreducibly complex. There must be complex enzymes present to produce ATP, yet ATP is required to produce those enzymes. And each enzyme is like a ball of spaghetti in complexity, yet if even one piece of it were formed incorrectly, it would be denatured.
This is evidence of our Creator. Although we don’t see him, we see the evidence of His existence, just as footprints in the sand are evidence that a person walked by. It’s of note that there are similar spiraling patterns in all things from the smallest atom to the largest galaxies. The theory of random processes cannot explain things like this or how the universe is organized into laminate layers. The following series of pictures, with explanation, addresses some of these issues from a rational viewpoint; http://www.fractaluniverse.org/v2/?page_id=7
These reoccurring spiral patterns very often fit the simple math equation of a Fibonacci spiral, which is a designer sequence that occurs not only on the tiny atomic and huge cosmic scale, but all throughout nature (video below).
We should also consider beauty and structure as evidence of divine design. Where did it all come from if we evolved from primordial sludge? For example, what evolutionary purpose could explain the breathtaking beauty and scent of the rose? All it would need to survive is a blob of color and some kind of stench to attract insects. How, then, do you explain its exquisite layers of living velvet? Why does its unmatched beauty and delicate scent thrill human emotions and inspire poetry?
Many life principles fit poorly into the evolutionary model. How do you explain love, kindness, altruism and our innate sense of right and wrong by evolutionary theory? If our only purpose in life is to survive, why do people desire to live for a higher purpose and have deep cravings for spirituality?
Unbiased, clear logic leads to the conclusion that God created the universe. But many people aren’t interested in religion and so are biased against the possibility of God’s existence. And modern science isn’t nearly as unbiased or objective as its proponents would like to make you think it is.
The fact that top evolutionists over the years have given up on trying to make the theory work, sometimes resorting to ideas such as “hopeful monsters” where a lizard lays an egg and a bird hatches out, shows a desperate willingness to believe almost anything but the Bible.
But misrepresentation of the Bible by well-meaning Christians is part of the reason some would rather accept evolution. Misrepresentation of God by fanatical extremists and false doctrines, like eternally burning hell fire, make believing in God seem undesirable. False views about hell, particularly, that are based on a few symbolic verses (rather than studying the burden of biblical evidence on the subject) assault people’s innate sense of fairness. They make God look like such a monster that many good, honest-hearted people cannot allow themselves to believe he could exist.
Teachings of eternal hellfire and many other false doctrines were rampant when evolutionary theory began to be promoted. This is why it seemed like a welcome relief to many who sought to break free from the oppressive false religions of the day. The devil, enemy of mankind, strategically planned all of that cause and effect. He is an incredibly intelligent fallen angel and knows just what kind of actions will cause equal and opposite reactions.
See also this post for more about the validity of the Bible.
Top image Credit: NASA
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