"I saw another angel coming down from heaven...
and the earth was illuminated with his glory."
Revelation 18:1

Got Wisdom?

In the time of King Solomon, people from all over came to hear his wisdom, including the Queen of Sheba. Yet Solomon’s wisdom is recorded in Proverbs and sayings that we can read without even having to go on such a long journey! There are incredible pearls of wisdom hidden all throughout the Bible, and not only that but valuable guidance for the troubled times we live in.

So, how do we know that the Bible is trustworthy, that it is worthy of our attention in such times as these when technology and science are making so many advances? Although it may seem misguided to some to esteem the counsel of such an ancient document in modern times, the Bible has proven accurate time and time again throughout the history of the earth. Here are a few reasons why we can trust that the inspiration of the Bible comes from a far higher Source than merely the thoughts of mortal man who hasn’t understood nature or health principles until recently and cannot know the future;

Historically and archeologically verified
http://www.bibleevidences.com/archeology.htm Archeology has proven the Bible accurate repeatedly in spite of skepticism that things it taught were true.

Contains health and sanitary principles that are valid by today’s standards

Describes the earth and principles of nature according to valid scientific principles
http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/science.shtml, http://www.icr.org/global-flood/

Validated by matching stories in many native cultures

Prophetically accurate, has pinpointed details of world history before their occurrence
http://www.itiswritten.com/unsealing-daniels-mysteries-lesson-7-kingdoms-in-collision As we see from the image of Daniel 2 and beasts in Daniel 7, the Bible prophetically outlined graphic details of the kingdoms that would rise and fall in Europe long before the events occurred. The 490 year (70 weeks) prophecy of Daniel 9 pointed out the exact year that the Messiah would come, and when he would die.

No other document in the history of the world has as much verification and validation as the Bible. As mentioned above- it’s the truest and most trustworthy resource available to mankind. At this present time, the Bible foretells how the world will end and what we need to do to prepare, especially in the books of Daniel and Revelation, etc. Considering the unerring accuracy of it’s predictions in the past, it could be invaluable and very timely to sit up and take notice as to what the Bible says about the times in which we are living now!

The Bible holds the key to understanding end time events and avoiding deception. But, in order to accurately understand the Bible it is crucial to avoid separating out individual texts or fragments of texts and building a whole doctrine on these. The big picture must be considered by examining every text which addresses any particular topic in order to understand the truth on that subject.

Knowledge vs. Wisdom
There’s no end to knowledge, facts, and figures... but in all our busy modern life- who has wisdom? Though there's no end to learning in modern society, it often seems beyond our grasp to come to the knowledge of the truth. Though the proponents of human knowledge often seem to promote the idea that only those who aren’t willing to consider the possibility of God’s existence are being logical-

...but how logical is it, really, to say that things happened by chance which can’t even be done on purpose with all the technology in the world?

With as far as we’ve come in scientific developments, we can’t even begin to duplicate the tiniest part of creation, such as by making a single functioning cell or the simplest plant which is able to produce it’s own nutrients through photosynthesis, not to mention the utter impossibility of ever being able to duplicate the perfect order, symmetry and unerring balance that is demonstrated in all of nature throughout every life form of thinking, living, breathing creatures!

We should realize also that with each new technological advance we’re coming closer and closer to showing that such a being as described by the Bible who is omnipotent and all-knowing could certainly exist. Instead of merely proving the greatness of mankind, we are actually just revealing pre-existing principles of the universe which show more and more that that there are things in existence invisible to the naked eye which man in the past could never have dreamed possible. If we can imagine things like supersonic travel, object printing, nuclear fusion, or a supercomputer that could take over the world, why can’t we stretch our minds just a little further to grasp the existence of God? If we can understand how cell phones transmit our voice many miles over invisible airwaves, why couldn’t we imagine a God who can hear our prayers?

The Bible gives mortal man a picture of who the invisible God is. Through reading the Bible we can understand a loving, personal creator and redeemer as we look out over the vast beauty of creation...

That’s wisdom.

For very excellent topical Bible study resources, including end-time events and prophecy, see the following resources (Amazing Facts- btw, I am in no way connected with them in business): http://www.amazingfacts.org/Bible-study/Bible-study-guides.aspx See also;

Know The Future

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