There’s been a lot of confusion about whether aliens could be visiting Earth, but there’s no need for confusion about this topic, since scripture is our guide to the unseen universe. It provides important clues to the meaning of paranormal phenomenon that some have been witnessing.
The first step toward understanding this topic is to have an accurate view of the universe. Studying its spiritual history helps us realize that evil originated in Heaven with Lucifer (Ezekiel 28), after which he was cast to the Earth together with the angels that rebelled with him (Revelation 12). Then, Adam and Eve joined in his rebellion by sinning against God, which brought sin into the world, resulting in death and ugliness (Genesis 3).
Because Earth is the only fallen world, that means any life on worlds beyond ours must be unfallen and perfect. Any life outside this planet would be angelic beings that live in obedience to God and cooperation with him. They would not be ugly or weird sci-fi creatures. Neither would they send scouts to fly around our planet in space ships.
So, what then is the phenomenon people are seeing, when they seem to have encountered “aliens”? 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 makes the methods of an evil being clear, so that we don’t need to be deceived. It says Satan works “with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceit of unrighteousness....”
In the beginning, Satan took the form of a snake to deceive Eve, and he is said to be transformed into an angel of light at times as well (2 Corinthians 11:14). He and his demons can disguise themselves in many forms and “lying wonders” to deceive people, including taking the form of ghosts, deceased loved ones, aliens, UFOs, etc.
The reason they do this is to approach us and try to establish a connection with us. They want to get people fascinated with spooky, supernatural things so they can gain access to their unguarded souls. Demons are controlling and manipulative forces, just like abusive people, only much worse. The spooky, spine-tingling feeling people get when thinking about ghosts or aliens is because it involves demonic forces trying to access your soul.
Just think about it. Living people don’t seem spooky or make you feel afraid, do they? So, why would the same people seem spooky or make you feel afraid after they died and supposedly reappeared? Animals don’t seem spooky either, no matter how ugly. So, why would aliens give you spooky feelings if they were creatures like all others?
The only reason paranormal creatures seem spooky is because they represent demonic entities.
The fear you feel in thinking about or looking at pictures of paranormal things is because there is a real spiritual danger involved. Demons are trying to gain access to your soul and take over the control centers of your mind. This is known as demon possession, which is a very well-documented phenomenon which has been happening throughout millennia. Jesus cleansed many people of demonic possession during his ministry and set them free from the demons that were controlling them.
All of this is why we should not have any part with celebrating fearful things like Halloween, watching horror movies or TV shows about ghosts or aliens. These kinds of things put you on Satan’s ground and invite him to become bolder in seeking to approach you.
This can involve demonic harassment, such as hearing strange noises, footsteps, having nightmares, night paralysis, seeing “angels,” “ghosts,” or “aliens.” Demonic harassment or possession can also be silent, with very few obvious demonic manifestations, except for trouble controlling your behavior (John 8:34).
Although angels of God sometimes appear to people, more often such entities are demons posing as “good” angels to try to deceive or flatter people.
“…Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14
“To the law and to the testimony. If they speak not according to this word, there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20
It is not just harmless entertainment to be interested in spooky things, it’s truly dangerous. If someone you know or love is experiencing demonic harassment, you may consider sharing with them about the spiritual dangers that could put us at risk for this. But don’t be too forceful because that often causes more resistance and they may be less likely to listen to what you have to say.
Even if they don’t gain full access to your mind, demonic entities try to imbalance your mind and demoralize you through temptation or fear. They try to suggest ideas of self-doubt, discouragement, depression, hatred, frustration, suicide. Satan is not a friend. He truly hates us and is playing for keeps. He wants to destroy people and will do so if he gets a chance.
We should also be aware of any type of meditation that seeks to empty or open the mind. Allowing the judgment centers of the mind to be bypassed opens the path for demonic entrance into the mind. Being involved in such practices can lead to mental or emotional problems, crime, or insanity.
Demons are spiritually unclean entities. Like germs during the dark ages, we have trouble seeing them and therefore have trouble believing they exist. We often do not recognize how much havoc they are wreaking in society. And while they are causing a plague of spiritual death all around us, we don’t wash our hands of their presence or try to prevent them from gaining accessing to us.
There’s no reason to fear demons, but we must not allow them to approach us. Ask God to help you firmly resist and refuse their influence. In his strength, refuse to be afraid of them, since they can work through fear.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
“Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7
Demons tremble and flee when refused in God’s name. Put yourself on the winning side by asking Jesus to come into your heart instead of Satan. Jesus will suggest loving, uplifting things to your mind and help you overcome anxiety, depression, sadness, and unhappy thoughts. He is gentle and kind instead of coercive and controlling.
Fill your mind with things that are good in what you read and watch. Study the Bible and choose to accept the positive suggestions that come from God instead of the negative suggestions that come from Satan. Thus, you will be cooperating with Jesus as he works to uplift you and make fill your heart with blessings.
“Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8
Bible verses revised from ASV.
Top image by constantin jurcut from FreeImages
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